Yoga for diabetes – Effective Yoga Asanas that will Help with Diabetes

Yoga for diabetes - Effective Yoga Asanas that will Help with Diabetes

Arjun Wadhawan

Yoga for diabetes

Diabetes or diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder caused by a weak metabolism that leads to high blood sugar levels. It is a disease characterized by the inability of the pancreas to secrete a hormone called insulin. Produced by the pancreas, the insulin helps control the blood sugar level, and failure to produce this insulin will lead to diabetes(high blood sugar) but this can be controlled by Yoga poses for diabetes.

Diabetes generally happens due to weak metabolism, which leads to high blood sugar levels over time. Diabetes mellitus is differentiated into three types.

Type 1 diabetes: This occurs due to autoimmune destruction of the insulin secretory cells of the pancreas which stops the production of insulin.

Type 2 diabetes: It occurs when the body develops insulin tolerance, which means that it can not perform the function of controlling blood glucose.

Gestational diabetes: is a type of diabetes that occurs specifically in pregnant women due to some of the changes that naturally occur in pregnancy.

Diabetes mellitus can be controlled by increasing the patient’s slic rate, avoiding stressful activities, and maintaining normal blood pressure levels, all of which daily yoga for diabetic patients can facilitate.

Can yoga help with diabetes?

Apart from using medications, patients who have diabetes are advised to lose weight and avoid diets with a high Glycemic Index (GI). This can be achieved by yoga asana for diabetes and yoga for weight loss.

Yoga can help improve your overall body health by promoting the functions of various organ systems in the body. Many research has also revealed that yoga helps in reducing blood sugar levels, especially in patients with Type2 diabetes.

Yoga asana for diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is not a disease to be managed carelessly; you have to ensure that you take proper care of your body to fight against the disease in terms of diet, lifestyle, and exercise. Hence, yoga asana for diabetic patients should not be taken lightly. Yoga is a workout that our body needs for a good outcome.

The following are the five effective yoga asana for diabetes:

1. Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar)

The most efficient way of treating diabetic patients through yoga exercise is sun salutations. It helps improve blood sugar levels, and blood circulation and strengthens the body. It manages the insulin in the body. Sun salutations are a good warm-up before going for any asana or just going for a walk. It helps to get your heart rate up and stretch the entire body.

Firstly, to do sun salutations, stand straight in the front of your mat and keep your abdomen pulled in. Next, join your palms together, then inhale and take your right leg back with your right knee on the floor. Keep your body in one straight line and repeat with the left side.

2. Seated-forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)

Paschimottanasana pose is an excellent option for people with diabetes which involves a therapeutic approach in terms of yoga for diabetes. This asana helps control diabetes, balance insulin levels, and, ultimately, blood pressure. This pose is also suitable for people interested in weight loss therapy. It helps to relieve the body of stress, headache, and anxiety.

To do this asana, sit down and extends your legs straight. Breathe in, and pull your hands up, then lower your hands and touch your toes without bending your knees. Touch your chin to your chest and maintain your pose for 60 seconds.

3. Bhujangasana (Upward-Facing Dog Pose)

Bhujangasana helps improve muscle strength and makes the bicep, hamstring, and tricep muscles work together for good effectiveness. It also helps to lower blood pressure and blood sugar level.

To do this pose, lie on your abdomen and keep your legs straight. Keep your forearm perpendicular to the floor, then press your arms to lift your body. Apply pressure, and maintain the posture for 30-40 seconds.

4. Balasana (Child’s pose)

Balasana helps in treating diabetics, improving blood circulation, and lowering blood pressure. To perform this asana, kneel on a mat and sit on your heels. Breath in and raise your arms above your head. Breath out, and turn your upper body forward. Let your forehead rest on the floor while resting your pelvis on the heels. Maintain the pose for about 10 seconds.

5. Adomukhi Svanasana (Downward-facing dog pose)

This pose is efficient for treating people with diabetes. Start this asana on all four legs and make sure your palms are on the shoulders and knees under the hip. Lift your hips, smoothen the knees and elbows and make your take the form of a “V.” Keep your hands down and keep your eyes focused on your big toes.


Yoga training plays an essential part in the treatment of Diabetics Mellitus. Though not a cure, it works in conjunction with medications and other lifestyle changes to control blood sugar, and achieve weight loss and blood pressure control, all of which are ultimately beneficial for the total health of the body.